Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I used to have pretty nice handwriting when I was younger. During my secondary school days all the reports (Kajian Sejarah / Geography) are all written in paper and we were not allowed to use the typewriter or the computer to do it (yeah... thats a looooong time ago).

As I started college and uni i realised my handwriting turning from bad to worse.

This afternoon while I was finishing my patients records, I realise that I might not be able to read some of my own handwriting. Geezzz... I am really that bad. Here's a sample for all to see.


Supergirlfriend said...

nice handwriting wat...we can actually fight man..ever since I started using PC to write my assignments in my uni handwriting took a turn for the worse! :p

Chee Hoe said...

Thanks for the compliment. That really meant a

Nux V said...

ever since i used PC, i seldom write and my handwriting has turned ugly...which is not handwriting at all!

Chee Hoe said...

I write notes every single day and its not really handwriting as well.... i call them scribbles :P