Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Watched a random series on the dumb box (TV) just now and something that one of the character said caught my mind

"Loving someone till it hurts"

A lot of people say love is a wonderful thing. True if things start and ends well. Unfortunately in this world things are just not that simple. There are many twist and turns in life that we cannot predict. Life's just ain't that fairytale that we have all hoped for.

In this complex cycle we call life I guess love must be one of the most complex subject matter that we human face. Even after so many heart ache and disappointment that we human go through, love is still something that we all yearn and chase for.


Dalicia said...

hahaah such is love isn't it :)
it's work :)

Chee Hoe said...

To say love is just work is an understatement :)