Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Kenko Reflexology & Fish Spa

Went to Pavillion last Sunday and made my way to level 5 of the complex. Why?
Reason : Kenko Reflexology & Fish Spa

Some of you might wonder what-the-fish is a fish spa?

Well to put it simply. Its a spa in which you dip your feet into water filled with fishes known as "Garra Rufa" or widely known as "Doctor Fish"

And whats this "Garra Rufa"?

Its a fish that occurs naturally in the waters of hot spring near Kangal in Turkey's Sivas Province. Locals found that the fish would peck away at the dead and disease skin of bathers, easing the symptoms of those suffering from skin conditions such as psoriasis and abscesses.

So how does it feel like being attacked by dozens of fish eating away them dead skins on your feet? Extremely ticklish!! I spent the first 10 minutes giggling. But rest assured that I was not the only one. Many around me was giggling and laughing as well.


Apple said...

I've seen another blogger mentioned about this fish spa before. haha..I still thing it's very scary, don't dare to put my feet into the water for those fish to 'eat'.

FarA said...

fishes eat dead cells. now that is awesome.
n fishes sleep.

Chee Hoe said...

You should try it! Its really fun I tell ya. Initially it will tickle like hell but then you get used to it and it can actually be pretty relaxing. Besides, its a good laugh when you go with friends.

After eating all those dead skin, I am sure them fish will sleep very well :P

Dalicia said...

i saw it on tv..the turkish bath. yeah..do you dare to dip your whole body???

Chee Hoe said...

Umm... i think not. Don't want to laugh to death. Besides, I worry that i might be bitten at the wrong places!