Friday, July 11, 2008

My current thoughts on a rainy friday morning

Woke up late today.

I hate it when it rains throughout the morning on a working day. Its bloody hard to drag yourself out of bed and tell yourself you got work to go to. Nevertheless I got reminded of how fortunate I am that I don't need to wake up 5.30am in the morning to catch the 6.30 train for work (which I did one point in my life).

Traveling for work can be a killer, especially if you need to use public transport. A friend of mine was telling me the other day that she catches the early bus to the LRT station and then take the LRT to work. The whole "ordeal" cost her from an hour and a half to two hours (one way) time. I don't think I would be able to live with that on a daily basis.

On another subject matter.

I have got the urge to watch a movie for the past 2 weeks. Any movie would do actually. Its really sad to say that the last time I've been to the cinema was Shrek 3 . Most friends I know don't put cinema as "my top 10 wishlist", so i normally get rejected outright when I ask someone to go out movies with me (but they never say no when I ask them out for food... *grumble*)

A friend was telling me this, "the time I had movies on a weekly basis was during my "pak tor" (dating) days".


Yup, More or less hit the bulls eye there.

Bah.... i still got the urge to hit the cinema!


@ddie said...

hey! i like movies too! will try to catch one every now and then, sometimes i'd go for international screens coz they have really good movies! :)
just yesterday, i watched 2 shows in the afternoon ;p hehehehe...

Chee Hoe said...

2 shows in a day? I have never tried movie marathon's. I am jealous... lol

@ddie said...

try 3 instead! ;p

Chee Hoe said...

I doubt i'll ever have the chance

Apple said...

You should go watch some movies now. There are a couple of nice movies. I haven't watch movies in the cinema for some time too. The last movie I watched in cinema is Three Kingdoms & L Change the World (2 movies at the same day).

Chee Hoe said...

My friend was telling me about "The
Journey to the centre of the Earth" that can be watched in full 3D at Midvaley.

Hopefully that would be my next movie on my list.