Thursday, September 25, 2008

Something Amiss

For the past month, I've been having problems with my left ear. The feeling is as if your driving up hill and you have some sort of pressure on your ears.

Went to my family doctor to have it checked out but he thinks its probably something one off and would go away after sometime.

However a month is a bit too long don't you think? There is no pain or anything so I guess it is something harmless.

Maybe I should go see an ENT soon when I have the time.


haan said...

equalization problem?

swallow your spit does not help?

Chee Hoe said...

Swallowing my own saliva did not work. I guess there must be something more then that.

Anonymous said...

did u recently gt sick? mayb sore throat or oral infection?

wen swimminng recently?

flied recently?

got hit on the left side of u head?

dig ur ears too deep?

it might be self-limiting,meaning it will get well soon, most probably you injured ur ear drum.

Just monitor if and see if your hving any type of pain in the ear,or fluid coming out of the ear.

Take vitamin c and eat healty food, in no time u wil b better.

Chee Hoe said...

Thanks Anon,
I'll keep what you said in mind.
You sound like my doctor :)