Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Barack Obama becomes US first African-American President

Barack Obama won the election on a landslide.

Will be interesting to find out what this historical win would change Americans and their foreign policy. The good thing is, we won't have another Bush for the next few years.


Nux V said...

as expected!

Chee Hoe said...

Apparently he got indonesian heritage and one of the cousin married a chinese sarawakian

Anonymous said...

As far as i know the only indo link he has is the fact that his mother remarried an indonesian man - thus making the link his step father. Not heard of the one about the cousin. Anyway, this shows that malaysia still has a glimmer of hope i guess(tiny but still there). If Obama can be elected president of a i guess pretty racial land then anything is possible rite....

Chee Hoe said...

Malaysia have moved ahead thats for sure.

There is hope yet.

Dalicia said...

the proper term would be first
bi-racial president.

i'm surprise that some states that have more republicans voted for him.

i just hope he would do a good job. otherwise, it will not look good
on people of color in US. it would either hurt us or boost us.

he's appointing people from the clinton days. at the end, it goes back to the more experienced people to run the country.

the change...i'm waiting to see what changes. some ladies told me that she don't have to work hard because obama is to give them money.

Chee Hoe said...

I did think clinton bought more good to the US then the repo he got. Getting people from the clinton era may be a good thing. He needs all the experience he can get handling US as it is right now.

It would be interesting to see what he does in the coming months.

Foreign policy is sure to change.