Monday, November 19, 2007

The First Chinese Song That I Learnt To Sing

This is the first ever Chinese song that I learnt to sing back during my college days. Its by Alex To called "wu xing xiang hai" or directly translated as "no heart to hurt you". Alex To in my opinion virtually introduced the R&B genre to the Chinese market in the 80's way before David Tao, Li Hom and all the rest of the R&B kids.

Those that knows me well enough would know that I am those typical banana man that can't read Chinese (although i can speak Cantonese and enough mandarin for basic communication). So you can imagine me scribbling the pronunciation in paper while listening to the song over and over again till my ears go red.

Oh yeah and I do have a song book in my room which consist of loose papers stacked together with songs that I have learnt and written in my own English pinyum. Nevertheless, I am those typical bathroom singers that sings like a toad. So you will not see me singing at K's anytime soon... unless insanity hits me on those once in a blue moon.

P.S Oh yeah.... actually I did go to K not too long ago. It was loads of fun with me and others taking turns singing badly and skipping songs as we see fit.....

1 comment:

啊喵 said...

woooiiii......wat ur last pharagraph