Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Anual Practicing Certificate for Optometrist and Optician

Have you had the insecurity when you go into an optical outlet and wonder if the person that is serving you could not be a professional that he claims to be?

This is a common feeling nowadays by many patients of mine especially contact lens wearer that has been spooked with various negative press regarding the complications that may arise from improper contact lens care. Many of them would ask me if there is any way to identify if the person that is looking after you at the optical outlet is really licensed to do refraction on you.

If you are unsure of the difference between Optometrist and Optician, read here

Generally, there is 2 ways that you can identify if the outlet has a licensed practitioner either for eye refraction for glasses or for the dispense of contact lens or both.

Here i will be explaining on one of the ways (you need both to be absolutely sure).

The first method is via the Annual Practicing Certificate (APC) for Optometrist and Optician.

This is a certificate given out by the Malaysian Optic Council to all licensed practitioner and need to be renewed yearly. According to the Optical Act 1991, every practicing Optometrist and Optician needs to be registered with the Malaysian Optic Council to practice legally in Malaysia. This certificate needs to be displayed prominently at the practicing outlet as proof to the general public of the availability of a licensed practitioner in the outlet.

APC comes in two colour certification (blue colour APC for Optician and green colour APC for Optometrist). In the APC you will find the name of the practitioner along with his/her Mykad number, the date in which the certification is given and its expiration and the name and address of the premise in which he/she is practicing.

APC for Optometrist

APC for Optician (Juruoptik)

What can you as a consumer do if you do not see an APC in an Optical outlet?

You should ask for the APC to be shown to you, if they are not able to do so, then the outlet may be operating illegally. Even if it is shown to you, you must make sure that the person stated on the certification actually works in the outlet.

What if I suspect that the outlet is operating illegally? What is my right as a consumer?
The best way to handle this issue would be to lodge a complaint to the Tribunal of Consumer.

Next part i will talk about the Photo Name Certificate (PNC).

Friday, February 11, 2011

Gong Rumin winner of World Supermodel Contest 2010 China Leaked Nude Photo

Apparently this 26 year old Gong Rumin is a very popular model in China. She won the competition of World Super Model Contest 2010 China held in Hebei on 12/12/2010. This girl managed to beat 3000 other contestant all over China.

And can you guess what she did before she won the contest?? She took some naughty nude pictures (600+ to be exact).

It is said that the photos was taken when she was a beginner in the Model World.

The moral of the story - things you do from the past may come back and haunt you.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Boleh Jadi Buta

I stumbled upon an article recently while I was doing some research on Information Leaflets that I plan to do for work. Its an article by newsportal myMetro on Optometrist and Optician.

Although its in Bahasa Malaysia, its one of the few articles that one can find regarding this field.

Boleh jadi buta

Khamis, 10 Februari 2011

PETALING JAYA: Tindakan orang ramai yang terburu-buru membuat cermin mata di kedai tanpa merujuk kepada ahli optometri apabila penglihatan semakin kabur boleh memberi kesan buruk kepada mata termasuk berisiko menjadi buta.

Ini kerana jarak penglihatan yang semakin kurang jelas bukan sekadar disebabkan rabun, malah ia boleh berlaku disebabkan tanda awal penyakit seperti diabetes, tekanan darah tinggi, glukoma (masalah saraf optik mata) dan katarak.

Memburukkan keadaan, sebahagian juruoptik di kedai cermin mata tidak mempunyai tauliah pendidikan dalam bidang optometri tetapi sekadar mendapatkan sijil dikenali sebagai Fellow of the Association of Dispensing Opticians (Fado) dari luar negara dengan bayaran tertentu.

Dekan Fakulti Optometri Kolej Universiti Teknologi Antarabangsa Twintech (Twintech), Dr Nasuha Saabin berkata, jika mengikut etika, sijil Fado hanya melayakkan mereka memotong gelas membuat cermin mata saja bukan menjalankan pemeriksaan mata menggunakan sebarang peralatan termasuk menentukan tahap kekuatan kanta cermin mata.

“Jika mata sihat dan hanya mengalami masalah rabun tidak mengapa, namun jika penglihatan itu kabur disebabkan penyakit yang masih di peringkat awal maka ia membawa kesan buruk dalam jangka panjang.

“Disebabkan penglihatan tidak jelas pesakit hanya pergi membuat cermin mata manakala juru optik yang bertugas hanya menyiapkan cermin mata kerana mereka tidak tahu langkah yang perlu diambil untuk pemeriksaan kesihatan mata,” katanya. Dr Nasuha berkata, pesakit biasanya hanya menyedari penglihatannya terjejas akibat penyakit apabila keadaan semakin parah.

“Saya tidak tahu bagaimana proses sebenar mendapatkan Fado, mungkin mereka membayar untuk menjalani latihan, tetapi ia lebih kepada membuat cermin mata bukan menjalankan pemeriksaan penuh terhadap kesihatan mata yang berkait rapat dengan keadaan tubuh badan,” katanya ketika ditemui Harian Metro, baru-baru ini.

Beliau berkata, sudah sampai masanya kerajaan meneliti semula Akta Optik 1991 yang membenarkan juru optik yang tidak mempunyai latar belakang bidang optometri memberikan preskripsi cermin mata atau kanta sentuh.

“Perkara ini sudah lama berlarutan, sepatutnya pesakit mata perlu bertemu ahli optometri terlebih dulu, pakar optik itu kemudiannya akan mencadangkan kepada pesakit sama ada merujuk kepada pakar oftamologi yang terbabit dengan pembedahan mata atau sekadar perlu membuat cermin mata berdasarkan keputusan pemeriksaan yang dijalankan.

“Bagaimanapun perkara ini tidak berlaku, bukan saja di Malaysia tetapi banyak negara lain. Apabila penglihatan kian kabur kebiasaannya mereka terus membuat cermin mata sedangkan banyak sebab menjadi punca masalah itu,” katanya. Menurutnya, hanya terdapat 700 optometri di Malaysia berdasarkan kadar penduduk, negara memerlukan sekurang-kurang 3,000 optometri.

“Peluang kerjaya dalam bidang ini amat meluas tetapi disebabkan faktor tertentu tidak ramai anggota masyarakat yang mahu merujuk kepada mereka terlebih dulu jika menghadapi masalah penglihatan terutama rabun,” katanya.

Source : http://praya.hmetro.com.my/myMetro/articles/Bolehjadibuta/Article/index_html